Tuesday, March 6, 2007


The opinion of Sherwood Ross - Unlike Hitler, Bush Gives Appearance Of Sanity
But His Philosophy Also Espouses Master Race is a sobbering account of the not so pretty past history re-asserting itself again thanks to GW Bush and his friends of PNAC. Well worth the read.

Scooter Libby has long been one of the most well-connected neoconservatives in the country. Along with Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush and Norman Podhoretz, Libby was one of the 25 signatories to the founding statement of Bill Kristol's empire-embracing Project for a New American Century in 1997. PNAC called for an invasion of Iraq long before the 9/11 attack was seized on as the "justification" for that invasion. When it comes to the political movement that has dominated the American government for the last six years, Scooter Libby was at its very crux, a close intimate of America's most powerful political officials. It's always good to know that a close intimate of the most powerful political officials has been convicted of lying, perjury and obstruction of justice. It's really scary who is running our country or should I say their country.

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