Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The troop surge

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says the surge is working. Wow, We haven't even got all the troops there yet but we're making progress. Who is feeding this man happy pills. I cannot believe how blinded by party lines this congress seems to be. How can he publicly say things are going well and that Bush is saddened by the state of Walter Reed Hospital. He must have a direct line. Fairy Tales can come true, they can happen to you.....NOT!!!!!

Dick Cheney in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference demanded Thursday night that the Democratic-controlled Congress support President Bush's military buildup "on time and in full." He said that a too-soon withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq could send victorious militants spreading out, with some flocking to Afghanistan to fight alongside a regrouping Taliban. Fairy Tales can come true, they can happen to you....NOT!!! Let's get real. This is a disaster.

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