Thursday, February 22, 2007

Carl Bernstein - Bush/Nixon Comparison

Mike Sheehan's article in Raw Story states veteran reporter Carl Bernstein says the lack of truth and candor from the Bush administration is unprecedented in his experience and his experience includes the uncovering of Watergate during the Nixon Administration. In comparing Nixon's administration to Bush he says "We now understand the psyche of Richard Nixon, that his was a self-destructive act and presidency". Bush on the other hand, "This president has a record of dishonesty and obfuscation that is Nixonian in character in its willingness to manipulate the press, to manipulate the truth," he adds. "We have gone to war on the basis of misinformation, disinformation and knowing lies from top to bottom." For those of us who lived the Watergate scandal, feeling that was thw worst possible are now confronted with more evil then we could have imagined and it appears that Bush will get away with it and in the process take down the United States.

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