Thursday, February 8, 2007

Libby & Russert

The article by Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post recounts Tim Russert's testimony in the Scooter Libby trial as if he was on trial. Comparing the difference between Russert's persona on his TV show versus the trial, he seemed to be demeaning, closing with how he had once caught Russert in an inaccuracy. Whooptee do. The story should have been about the conflicting testimony of Russert versus Libby not about this reporter catching Russert in a faux pas. What a waste of space! Thanks goodness the Washington Post had several reporters working on this story as the article filed by Carol D. Leonnig and Amy Goldstein seemed to be an unbiased look at Russert's testimony. Just the facts Ma'am. Just the facts.

So looking further to see what all this means I found an article by political analyst Brent Budowsky -- who helped Sen. Lloyd Bentsen write the law prohibiting the willful disclosure of covert CIA officers -- taking a look at how the Libby trial has morphed into the shadow trial of Vice President Cheney. He lays out a clear path leading to Cheney. It's what we all suspected but no one has been will to say. This is just the beginning. Libby is a small part of a bigger picture which is going to continue to unfold. Deja Vu - Nixon. First his Vice President, then him and his staff.

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