Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Neo-Cons - working with Israel to achieve goals

In an interview of Ramzy Baroud,a veteran Palestinian-American Journalist and the Editor-in-Chief of the Palestine Chronicle by Munish Nagar,an Indian Journalist who has a Master’s degree in Journalism and currently is pursuing PG diploma in Human Rights, Baroud asserts that
Israel's influence in the US through the American Israeli Public Relations Committee (AIPAC), has tilted in favor of Israel since the agenda of the neoconservatives to dominate the Middle East fits Israel's regional agenda that they alone could not accomplish but the US has been able to make the regime change in Iraq, contain Iran and Syria, etc. The neoconservatives convinced the US administration (of which Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld are members of PNAC)that what is good for Israel is good for America.
This was a very informative and thoughtful interview.

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