Tuesday, January 23, 2007


In Marty Jezer's article at Common Dreams. org,"Remember Afghanistan?" he states "In Afghanistan (and again in Iraq), Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld wanted to use high-tech weaponry rather than troops on the ground, and so in both countries we emphasized strategic bombing. Our bombs may have been “smart” but our targeting was based on lousy intelligence, understandable since we didn’t (and still don’t) speak the language or understand the culture, religion, history, and aspirations of the people we were (and are) fighting. In Afghanistan, we bombed schools, hospitals, villages, wedding parties, UN storage depots and our Canadian allies, but didn’t find bin Ladin. According to Professor Marc W. Herold, an expert on Third World development, our bombs killed between 2562 and 2947 Afghan civilians during the first three months of the war. How many neighbors and kinfolk of the dead came to hate us as a result?" Now reports of the Taliban gaining strength are starting to be heard and with the government suspending elections, it appears only a matter of time before this country will be under the control of the Taliban. Where do we focus? Iraq, Afghanistan or the United States

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