Thursday, January 18, 2007

Scooter Libby - Are they your friends?

AT the internet site Media Matters (, they questioned the New York Times article giving testimonials to Libby's character by high profile political operatives but did not mention that they were also members of the committee for Libby's defense fund. Noteworthy in the article are characteristics of Libby that may seem honorable but could also be his shortcomings. Mary Matlin said he was Cheney's Cheney; that he does for the vice president what the vice president does for the president. And when he throws himself into a project, says Matalin, "he does it to the nth degree." All these seemingly wonderful accolades could mean just the opposite. That his loyalty to this administration have sent him to the dark side. In Fitzgerald's attempt to hold this administration accountable for the leak, Libby will take the fall as an overworked individual who did this one his own.

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