Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The troop increase in Iraq

I was reading a number of blogs from people responding to video clips of what the soldiers and Iraqis felt about the troop increase on MSNBC. I was surprised to read so many people still willing to give President Bush another shot at winning the war. ARe we all so crazed about winning that we cannot admit defeat? I don't believe you can win a war unless you understand your enemy and what motivates them to fight. We didn't do that in Vietnam and after troop escalation and the death of many more soldiers we left Vietnam in defeat. It is time to say enough is enough. I cannot believe the Democrats are even concerned about the thought that if they don't support the war they don't support the troops. Has anyone ever thought that supporting the troops might be by not putting them in harms way in the guise of creating a Democracy (did we ask the Iraqis if that is what they want?) in order to safeguard the oil for the oil companies. We all need to honor the sanctity of life and quit thinking of this war as a TV show that doesn't impact us personally. Over 34,000 Iraqis have died in the last year. Are we really helping these people. When people do not have the strength to rise up and create a better life for themselves, it is impossible for outsiders to do it. We are in an impossible war and expending more lives is not the answer. Bush needs to be impeached. His entire presidency has been a self serving philosophy.

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