Thursday, January 18, 2007

Iran - Our next conquest???

In an article stating the conversation between Senator Biden and Condaleeza Rice at a Senate Hearing Tuesday, Rice was asked point blank by Biden if the administration had plans to invade Iran. (A Washington Post Article - unable to recapture) Rice sidestepped the question by stating that we would defend ourselves as needed - whatever that would take. It is interesting to note that the troop "surge" will center on Baghdad and the province next to Iran. Good cover to infiltrate Iran. Also read an article concerning a compromise offer submitted by Iran in 2003 to this administration. ( ) It was flatly turned down by VP Cheney. This compromise is very similar to the one this administration has stated it would consider now. If they didn't consider it then why would they seriously consider it now. It appears to me to be a smoke screen to cover up overt attacks on Iran.

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