Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Iran - Our next quest?

The UnderSecretary of State Nicholas Burns told Times "All of our actions, which are part of a concerted, cohesive policy are meant to show the Iranians there is a limit to their own power in the Middle East," Burns told TIME. "They need to respect American power and they need to deal with us on a much more cooperative basis. Right now, they're supplying the Shia insurgents with military assistance and sophisticated IED technology. Certainly they're supplying Hizballah and Hamas with arms. They helped to instigate that war [between Israel and Hizballah] last summer. We're trying to send an unmistakable signal that the Iranians need to limit their actions. They need to stop targeting American forces."
Iran's president stated he's not worried. "US rhetoric against Iran has not increased," Ahmadinejad said. "In 2003, they openly threatened to attack Iran. Now they have indirectly made such threats." Are we a threat? Or are we blowing smoke and he knows it? Propaganda amuck!!

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